Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Some Kentucky Basketball History Found

This past weekend, my father in-law needed some help with a few home renovations. It consisted of, removing an old window and reinstalling a new one, sounds easy, right? Well, as most home improvements go, it turned out to be a little more difficult than expected, but that's for another day. 

Fast-forward a few hours and we finally had the window out and began removing boards and other stuff to make room for the new one. While I was un-boxing the new window, my father in-law (Steve, who is a huge Wildcat fan as well) called me over to take a look at what was rolled up and stuffed beneath where the old window had rested for many years. It was a newspaper (The Ashland Daily Independent to be exact) that was yellow and appeared to be fairly old. As we began to unroll it to try and get a date off of it, it was apparent that time had taken it's toll on the paper as it began to fall apart the more we opened it.

Finally after several minutes of careful coaxing, it finally came apart revealing the date of December 7, 1948. The first headline that caught my eye was in bold print and it simply read, "Today marks the seventh anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor." Think about that, the SEVENTH anniversary of Pearl Harbor, WOW! However, further down the page, I noticed some sports scores. Me being a sports fan began reading fairly closely when I noticed the above snippet. 

Imagine my surprise when I came across the above piece discussing Bill Spivey scoring 22 points as a freshman and the UK JV team setting a a scoring record with 102 points.

Pretty interesting to say the least. Hope you enjoy this little piece of history.

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