Tuesday, February 12, 2013


(photo/ Matt Jones of KSR)

The one thing Kentucky fans hoped would never happen did. Nerlens Noel had to be carried off the floor with a knee injury after attempting to block a shot and hitting his knee on the metal brace of the goal.

It was hard watching him screaming in pain as he lay on the floor. But in the words of Matt Jones of KSR, the best play Kentucky made all night is in the picture above. We all hope for a speedy recovery for Nerlens Noel. The loss means nothing as we wait for results on Noel.

Billy Donovan- "I certainly hope Nerlens Noel is OK. I didn't see exactly what happened, but I really hope he's OK. If you think about it, Noel's injury comes from a hustle play and it embodies who he is as a player"

The comment of the night came when Julius Mays was asked about helping Nerlens Noel off the floor after the game...
"We're all brothers. Win, lose or draw, we always got each others back." You gotta love how these guys care about one another.

Patrick Young comments on Noel inure... "His leg was wobbly, his knee looked dislocated. It was gruesome. I don't want to think about it."

Rosario on Noel: I was scared. I went up for the shot and here's this 7-footer coming after me. I hope he has a speedy recovery.

Calipari on Noel injury.. "I didn't see much. They said it looked ugly. He was yelling and screaming, that's why i stayed on the court with him. It's unfortunate , I just hope and pray that he's okay.  I'm physically sick right now for him. What I"m hoping for is it's not the extreme. He will probably travel back with the team tonight.

Sam Malone (UK walkon) on Nerlens injury via twitter...  Praying for our brother Nerls. You have to feel bad for that kid. He busts his ass every single day in practice.

Former Wildcat Eloy Vargas via Twitter:  Praying for a speedy recovery for Noel. I hate to see anyone go down to injury... #BBN

Ole Miss player Marshall Henderson via Twitter... "Don't know the status of Noel, but everyone pray for him #SECUNITED

Jay Bilas via Twitter: All the best to UK's Nerlens Noel after the injury at Florida. Here's hoping that he's okay and 100% soon. Stay strong, No. 3

Huntington Prep (Andrew Winggins' coach) Rob Fulford via twitter... Hoping Nerlens Noel is ok...

Brad Calipari (John Caliparis son) via Twitter... Praying Nerlens..

USA Basketball via Twitter... "Hoping for the best for Kentucky frosh Nerlens Noel who injured his knee against Florida. Here's hoping that he's back on the court soon."

CBS Sports Jeff Goodman via Twitter... "I've known Nerlens Noel for 5 years -- and is as good of a kid as I've come across doing this job. Just hope he's alright.


Noel had further testing at Shands Hospital in Gainesville. Will fly back to Lexington with the team.
No news on how bad the injury is

Steve Andress (sports reporter for WDRB, Louisville) via Twitter... "Noel goes down clutching left knee; Poythress, Cauley-Stein. Goodwin, Wiltjer, & Mays help him straight to locker room. Touching moment. #BBN. Players didn't want to speculate on severity of Noel injury. Mays and Witljer still hoping for the best. #BBN... 

Matt May of Cats Pause via Twitter... "@SteveAndress just showed us low angle replay from behind of Noel injury. Oh my. Knee buckled inward. Hard to look at it.

Rick Bozich of WDRB Sports via Twitter... "Noel injury a reminder why underclassmen have to leave for NBA if the first round is there for them. Hope for the best for his future."

Eric Crawford of WDRB Sports via Twitter... "Noel injury leaves you with a sick feeling..."

Andy Demetra (voice of South Caroling Gamecocks on IMG Sports Network) via Twitter... "If you were touched by the outpouring of support for Marcus Lattimore, return that favor to UK's Nerlens Noel tonight. Hoping he's okay.

Brett Dawson of Rival.com via Twitter... "Just saw a horrific straight-on angle of the Noel injury. Gruesome. Hope it's not as bad as it looks..."

Kyle Tucker of The Courier Journal via Twitter... "Don't want to belabor this but know folks are concerned about him. Looked at another local TV angle. Noel knee sure looks popped out."


And with that I'm done for the night folks. If anything develops throughout the night or tomorrow, I'll pass it along as soon as I receive it. Unitl then, lets just hope Noel gets healed up sooner rather than later...

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